This past week, I road tripped to Tucson, Arizona to visit some friends and family...
and ended up falling in love with this charming, bohemian desert wonderland!
and ended up falling in love with this charming, bohemian desert wonderland!

This was my first opportunity to spend time in the southwest, and I was completely blown away by everything- the weird cacti, the calming sunsets, and SO MUCH perfectly weathered metal salvage stuff!
Here are some of my favorite places:
Tucson Herb Store, an inspiring and sweet smelling little shop (cool idea --> framed fabric swatches!)

Totally amazing home/workshop/backyard of Tim Hagyard, Salvage & Vintage Decorating Genius

My musician friend Ryen's apartment


San Xavier Mission , a crazy colorful & offbeat 18th century Spanish Catholic church

Grill, an awesome diner with serious style (love those deco murals!)

Of course my trip wouldn't be complete without some SERIOUS thrifting- I stopped in a bunch of cool towns during the trip, and raided their thrift stores- but those finds shall remain a secret, until my apt decor is unveiled... very soon!!
Stay tuned, fellow vintage lovers...