
Notes on a Random, Productive, Rainy Day

Hello friends.

Have you seen this movie trailer yet? I think I might have wet my pants, it looks so darn good...

Also, look at these fantastic photographers:

CODY CLOUD (look at his Shanghai Zoo pics)

JULIA GALLO (her fashion portfolio is amazing)

Strangely enough, their work looks A LOT like a friend of mine JULIA (coincidence!) HOLTKOTTER http://julophotography.com/fashion (she lives in Germany and NYC.) I did some fashion styling for one of her shoots in Brooklyn ---> check out the photos of our shoot here.

Also, I've been working a lot on my collage art. My material comes from the vintage 1920's-70's magazines that I've been stockpiling for the past few years. Glad they're finally getting some attention! Better late than never :)

As soon as they are 100% finished, I'll be posting them here and in my Etsy store!

Thanks for reading, friend!

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