"The Grand essentials of happiness are:
something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."
-Allan K. Chalmers

So lately it feels like I've been on a roller coaster with this silly
"LOVE" business.
...speaking of which, can I please find this on my next antiquing outing?
Super rad printed
tin roller coaster wind up toy, made in the 1950's by manufacturer J.Chein.
I've always been a fan of kids "toys" from the 50's in particular. There's just something about the seriousness of the detail in them- like they were created by a meticulous set designer for some fantastical
Terry Gilliam movie...

**BTW, do you all know about his mind blowing new-ish film
The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus? Dessert for the eyeballs, I tell ya....**
I have my own gorgeous folded tin beauty to introduce to you all:

I got this simply marvelous dollhouse at a tiny antiques store while road tripping/thrifting in Maine in spring 2008.

I finally put it together for the 1st time just a few months ago!
(I sometimes live in there inside my head.)